What if YOU could be FREE from food addiction FOR GOOD?

  • Your FREE journey to get LIBERATED from food addiction starts NOW!
  • Learn to love yourself again! Know your worth! No more hiding! Get back to living again!
  • Starts Monday, February 15, 2021!

5-Day LIVE FREE! Challenge Starts in...

Do you ever feel like...

  • If I start eating, I can't stop
  • I am out of control
  • It's hopeless; I just can't change
  • I am in prison in my own body
  • I've tried everything, but nothing works
  • I hate my body
  • I just want to hide
  • I don't want anyone to see me
  • I wish I could eat without feeling ashamed
  • I am a slave to food and have no idea how to be healthy


YOU can stop the negative messages and finally be FREE! You can have peace in your mind, body and spirit, liberated from food addiction, self-hatred, and body image disorder! YOU can really LOVE life again!

Live Free will help you walk out of bondage FOR GOOD. Is it really possible, you wonder? It is!

How do I know? I have been there. I know what it is like to not want to leave the house because of eating a bag of chips, to avoid parties because of feeling fat, to be scared to leave the house for fear someone will see you. I got FREE and so can you! I am here to walk with you into the life of peace and joy you were made for.

Take this FREE 5-Day LIVE FREE! Challenge, where you will learn to love yourself again...and your body will start to take notice...Journey with me into YOUR personal FREEDOM!

How it works...

Join the 5-Days LIVE FREE Challenge for FREE! All you need is your email address and you will be ready to start!

2 - Take Course!

Spend the next five days with me, engaging in powerful and nurturing strategies to help you find freedom and peace.

3 - Feel Freedom!

Apply the tools you got for FREE and experience freedom and peace in your mind, body and spirit like never before.

YOU can be free from food addiction FOR GOOD!

Your FREEDOM from food addiction starts NOW!

Hey, I'm Lanelle!

I used to have an eating disorder that completely ruled my life, including massive food addiction, self-hatred, and a body-image disorder.

After trying crash diets, expensive personal training and workout programs, taking pills, and all kinds of mental gymnastics, I finally discovered this whole person approach that actually WORKS! It worked for me and it will work for you!

I created this ten day challenge to share with you the tools that helped me overcome, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

You will learn how to stop associating food with emotions and walk out of the destructive patterns that are holding you back. You really CAN be FREE!!!

As you take this journey with me, I know you will discover the YOU that has always been there and remember what it is like to truly be FREE!

JOIN ME on the Journey!

YOU have hope.

YOU have purpose.

YOU can do this!

YOU can be FREE from food addiction FOR GOOD!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I have always been heavy?

A: You can still join the program, as you will only become healthier! The goal is overall health more than it is weight loss. However, if your goal is to lose weight, you can definitely do that as well!

Q: Can you guarantee I will stop my food addiction?

A: Overcoming is not guaranteed, but it is available for all. I will walk you through the four areas of freedom I have found and give you tips for how to overcome. Participating in the longer course will give us the opportunity to go deeper in these areas.

Q: How much time will it take?

A: This free, five-day program will take one hour per day via Facebook live (including the VIP room). Going through your resources should take you approximately 30 minutes to an hour daily, depending on how far you choose to take it. :)

Q: How will this course be delivered?

A: The LIVE event will start at 11am Pacific Time via our free Facebook Live group, and the resources material you will fill out on your own every day. :)

Q: Shouldn't I just go on a diet?

A: As I my story affirms, diets can only go so far when it comes to the deeper issues of food addiction. My course gets to the root of the problem for you to overcome naturally as you focus on the promoting the good, rather than eliminating what is bad.

Q: Can't I find this information elsewhere online?

A: I have not found a program like mine anywhere online. My program is based on the four areas of mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health. This approach is much more comprehensive and addresses the root of the problem, rather than the more cursory, "just exercise and diet" approaches of other programs.

Q: How long will I have access to this challenge?

A: You will have access to this course for seven days. However, if you would like a recording of this course, you can purchase it at a minimal cost. Once you buy it, it is yours for life. You can access it 24/7!

Q: Will this training happen again?

A: Right now, the training is a one-time event, so I encourage you to jump in and take action now!

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This website and course / course material may contain general information related to various medical conditions and their treatment. Such information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified health care professional. Participants should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing a health or fitness problem or disease. No individuals, including those participating in the course or related course material should use the information, resources, or tools contained to self-diagnose or self-treat any health-related condition. Participants should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis and treatment. Live Free gives no assurance or warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness or applicability of the content. Regular exercise is not always without risk, even for healthy individuals. Certain types of exercise are riskier than others and all exercise is risky for some individuals. This applies to diet also. Some dietary recommendations are healthy for the majority of people, but potentially dangerous to others. Participants are responsible for their own health and safety at all times.

Affiliate Disclosure: We make recommendations in this course that may involve partners or advertisements and contain affiliate links, which means we get paid if you use them. But we only recommend what we love and our partners allow us to offer such an awesome price.

You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future outcomes, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average outcomes, exact outcomes, or promises for actual or future performance of outcomes.

We don't know your current situation and, besides, your results in life are up to you.

Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies.

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